Raven is 6 limited edition worldwide plus a Special Edition and available in both girls & boys. As lots of interested in this edition and there were 4 spots for customer orders were sold out and 2 spots left will be on eBay auctions.
Silicone baby’s features:
♥ Drink & Wet system
♥ Very soft inner core around the belly area, so soft and feels like cloth body.
♥ Soft armatures in baby’s limbs.
♥ Ball-jointed head
♥ Fully sculpted mouth.
♥ Different hardness silicone used on the baby’s different body parts for realism.
♥ About Raven ♥
Baby Raven is a FULL BODY silicone baby
Raven is made in ONE Piece Full Body with Ball Jointed Head.
Raven has opened mouth with sculpted Tongue & Gums.
Raven takes a newborn size paci that she/he will come with.
Raven is cast in platinum silicone – very soft, squishy!
Raven feels so real in your arms very squishy & head needs supporting as you would do a real baby!
Raven #1, #2, #3
Raven #4
Raven #5 & #6
Raven Special Edition